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If you are like many business-minded people then you are probably interested in starting your own company. You may also be like other budding entrepreneurs if you are not sure what type of business you want to start or what product you want to sell. Well, worry not. Here at Olive and Ash Design, we have worked with many different companies so we know how much variety is out there, so we have some tips for how you can choose the type of business you can start today.
What Are You Good At?
The first question that you need to ask yourself is “what am I good at?” Everyone is good at something and the answer to that question could help you to discover the type of business you should start. So, if you are good at
woodworking, then you could start a company where you sell your designs or crafts. If you are good at producing the written word, then you could start a freelance writing or marketing business and see where it takes you.
You also need to think about your skills. If you consider yourself to be a people person then you could work as a
motivational speaker or get into sales. If, instead, you are better behind the computer, then you could work as a programmer or start a business as an affiliate marketer. You just need to look inside and start writing down ideas and you never know what you will discover.
What Are Your Time Constraints?
You should also think about
how much time you have available to start a business. Do you have enough time to create the business from the ground up and perfect every minor component in the process? If so, then you can build a more comprehensive business with multiple employees and form an LLC. However, if you don’t have much time then you might have to start your business as a freelancer and expand when possible. Now, look at your list of skills above to determine which idea might fit that mold.
Are Your Skills Holding You Back?
As entrepreneurs, we can have some pretty lofty ideas, but we might not yet have the skills to pull them off. If that is the case, then it might be a good idea to
return to school to earn a degree. If you are already educated in your business of choice, then you might want to go back to get your master’s in business administration. An MBA program is awesome because you will learn all of the ins and outs of business along with being taught about specific scenarios that you might one day face with your own company. The experience can be invaluable.
If you currently work at a job or you are otherwise strapped for time, then you can
get your MBA online. This is a great option for the busy professional because you will still get the same amazing education but you can do it on your own time. It’s also a smart idea because you can get your degree while working at your regular job so you can make the money you need to pay for your classes.
Get a Mentor
If you are still unsure of the type of business that you want to start then you might consider obtaining the help of a mentor who can guide you along the way. You can find a mentor by searching sites like
LinkedIn, attending networking events, or by talking to work associates that you already know. This person may or may not want to take a cut of your business, but in either case, they will help you with creating your idea, fine-tuning it, and getting it ready for production. Some mentors may be able to help you to conduct market research to see if your idea is strong enough for your current location. If you were ever going to ask for help, then this is the time.
In the end, just because you can’t come up with a business idea now, it doesn’t mean that all is lost. Instead, use the tips here and you will find the answers you are looking for. Once you have a business,
Olive and Ash Design can help with your website. When you’re ready, contact us at 630-366-6440.